(020) 7459 4482 admin@londonhipknee.co.uk

Orthopaedic Expert Care You Can Trust


M R.  P A R A G  K   J A I S W A L

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New patient visits, consultations, second opinions, and referrals are always welcome within our practice. Please contact our office staff using the form below and we will do our best to respond to your request within two business days.

For appointments and general information, please call (020) 7459 4482.

Mr. Parag K Jaiswal


London Hip & Knee Consultant


My other special area of interest lies in sports injuries and in particular sports and young adult hip problems. My recent training in Vail, USA under the tutorage of Marc Philippon, means that I am able to offer the very best and state of the art hip arthroscopy techniques to treat hip impingement and hip labral tears to patients suffering from hip and groin pain.

I have spent a great deal of time in research and was one of the first appointed academic fellows on the training programme. After completing my thesis, I have continued performing high quality research resulting in numerous prizes.

This allows me to offer cutting edge treatments (if appropriate) that are not readily available. As a result of the extensive research I am continually involved in, I am well ahead of current trends in managing and hip and knee problems and have a great network of colleagues with research interest that will allow me to discuss your difficult and challenging problems and come up with innovative treatment plans. One of the research projects I led on has resulted in wholesale changes to the way patients with broken hips are managed in the state of Alberta, Canada.

I live with my wife and 2 daughters in London. I love London as it has allowed my love of theatre, eating out and passion for my local football team to flourish. Our time in Canada really drove my love for skiing and outdoor pursuits such as hiking, biking and mountain climbing (even with a 3 year old in tow). I also enjoy other sports such as cricket and badminton for my local club teams. So I understand the importance of getting back to the physical activities you enjoy.

Read my blog

Minimally Invasive Knee Surgery

Minimally Invasive Knee Surgery

Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) represents a significant shift in knee surgical procedures, aiming to reduce the impact on the patient's body while achieving the same, if not better, outcomes as traditional open surgery. MIS techniques have revolutionised knee...

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Common Knee Injuries and Surgical Interventions

Common Knee Injuries and Surgical Interventions

The knee is one of the most complex and frequently injured joints in the body, susceptible to a variety of injuries that can limit mobility and impact quality of life. Understanding common knee injuries and their potential surgical interventions is essential for...

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